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Angela Redfern
Angelo Georgalli
Angus Mackinnon & James Thorpe
Art, Design & Photography
Beatnik Books
Bronwyn Kan
Children's Books
Christine Spring
Clare Dunleavy
Comic / Graphic Novel
Courtney Sina Meredith
Dana Winter
Emily Joe
Food and Wine
Fraser Munro
Health & Wellbeing
Heather McAllister
Janet McAllister
Jenny Allison
Jordan Rondel
Karamia Müller
Karen McMillan
Kat Patrick & Lauren Marriott
Kelly Gibney
Laura Shallcrass
Lorna Jane Harvey
Louise Cuckow
Marco Sonzogni
Mardo El-Noor
Melanie Jenkins and Jo Wilcox
Monique Hemmingson
New Releases
Olivia Scott
Poetry & Short Story
Rachel Grunwell
Rae Joyce, Indira Neville, Sarah Laing
Romy Sai Zunde
Ross Murray
Sam Mannering
Sara Mutande & Andrea Lo Vetere
Sarah Milne
Sophie Merkens
This Month We Love
Toby Morris
Vanessa Lewis
Wild Kinship Collection
Women’s Anthologies